Friday, January 29, 2010

Download the Powerpoint slides here:

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

you spend the majority of your time in an 8'X10' cell .   

you spend most of your time in a 6'X8' cubicle ..

you get three meals a day (free).
you only get a break for one meal and probably have to pay for it yourself .


you get time off for good behavior.

you get rewarded for good behavior with more WORK.

a guard locks and unlocks the doors for you ..

you must carry around a security card and unlock open all the doors yourself .

you can watch TV and play games.

you get fired for watching TV and playing games.

you get your own toilet .
you have to share .

they allow your family and friends to visit.
you can not even speak to your family and friends.

all expenses are paid by taxpayers with no work at all.
You get to pay all the expenses to go to work and then they deduct taxes from your salary to pay for the prisoners.


Which Sounds Better?

So what are you waiting for.........

Kill your Bos & go to prison

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A wonderful message for all those already married and wants to get married.

"One single grateful thought raised to heaven is the most perfect prayer. "
G. E. Lessing


Those who are still single may learn something from here.

Those who are already married may take it as a guideline to improve your marriage...

During one of our seminars, a woman asked a common question.

She said, "How do I know if I married the right person?"
I noticed that there was a large man sitting next to her so I said, "It depends. Is that your husband?"
In all seriousness, she answered "How do you know?"

Here's the answer.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Life is Best for those who want to Live it,
Life is Difficult for those who want to Analyze it,
Life is worst for those who want to Criticize it,
Our Attitude Defines Life...

Enjoy Your Life,
Laugh so Hard That even Sorrow Smiles at You,
Live Life so Well That even Death Loves to see you Alive,
Fight so Hard That even Fate accepts its Defeat....


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Sunday, January 24, 2010

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

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Friday, January 22, 2010

Apa yang kita alami demi teman kadang-kadang melelahkan dan menjengkelkan, tetapi itulah yang membuat persahabatan mempunyai nilai yang indah. Persahabatan sering menyuguhkan beberapa cobaan, tetapi persahabatan sejati bisa mengatasi cobaan itu bahkan bertumbuh bersama karenanya.
Persahabatan tidak terjalin secara otomatis tetapi membutuhkan proses yang panjang seperti besi menajamkan besi, demikianlah sahabat menajamkan sahabatnya.
Persahabatan diwarnai dengan berbagai pengalaman suka dan duka, dihibur-disakiti, diperhatikan-dikecewakan,didengar-diabaikan, dibantu-ditolak, namun semua ini tidak pernah sengaja dilakukan dengan tujuan kebencian.
Seorang sahabat tidak akan menyembunyikan kesalahan untuk menghindari perselisihan, justru karena kasihnya ia memberanikan diri menegur apa adanya.
Sahabat tidak pernah membungkus pukulan dengan ciuman, tetapi menyatakan apa yang amat menyakitkan dengan tujuan sahabatnya mau berubah.
Proses dari teman menjadi sahabat membutuhkan usaha pemeliharaan dari kesetiaan, tetapi bukan pada saat kita membutuhkan bantuan barulah kita memiliki motivasi mencari perhatian, pertolongan dan pernyataaan kasih dari orang lain,tetapi justru ia beriinisiatif memberikan dan mewujudkan apa yang dibutuhkan oleh sahabatnya.
Kerinduannya adalah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan sahabatnya, karena tidak ada persahabatan yang diawali dengan sikap egoistis.
Semua orang pasti membutuhkan sahabat sejati, namun tidak semua orang berhasil mendapatkannya. Banyak pula orang yang telah menikmati indahnya persahabatan, namun ada juga yang begitu hancur karena dikhianati sahabatnya.
Beberapa hal seringkali menjadi penghancur persahabatan antara lain:
Masalah bisnis UUD (Ujung-Ujungnya Duit)
Kehilangan kepercayaan
Perubahan perasaan antar lawan jenis
Ketidak setiaan.
Tetapi penghancur persahabatan ini telah berhasil dipatahkan oleh sahabat-sahabat yang teruji kesejatian motivasinya.
Mempunyai satu sahabat sejati lebih berharga dari seribu teman yang mementingkan diri sendiri.

"Dalam masa kejayaan, teman-teman mengenal kita. Dalam kesengsaraan, kita mengenal teman-teman kita." - Anonim -
Ingatlah kapan terakhir kali anda berada dalam kesulitan. Siapa yang berada di samping anda ??
Siapa yang mengasihi anda saat anda merasa tidak dicintai??
Siapa yang ingin bersama anda pada saat tiada satu pun yang dapat anda berikan ??
Merekalah sahabat-sahabat anda.
Hargai dan peliharalah selalu persahabatan anda dengan mereka. 

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

  Tuhan yang Maha Baik memberi kita ikan   Clown Fish , tetapi kita harus mengail untuk mendapatkannya   Fishing.    
Demikian juga Jika kamu terus menunggu  
Waiting waktu yang tepat, mungkin kamu tidak akan pernah mulai.

Mulailah sekarang...
mulailah di mana kamu berada sekarang dengan apa adanya.
Jangan pernah pikirkan  
Hmmkenapa kita memilih seseorang untuk dicintai   At Work Love,
tapi sadarilah bahwa cintalah  
Throwing Heartsyang memilih kita untuk mencintainya.

Bride & Groom  memang memiliki  banyak kesusahan, tetapi

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

If the above video is not viewable, you can try to visit this link:

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

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Friday, January 15, 2010

By:  Wendy & Jerome


* The Wealthy Are Generous - summon a wealth of joy and
abundance into your life today by practicing a simple act of


Repetition is the mother of mastery, which is why we'd like
to share with you the 8 Secrets to Success top motivational
gurus like Brian Tracy, Dr Wayne Dyer all agree upon, so you
too can turn your dreams into reality.

1. Take 100% Responsibility for Your Life – In a society
where people blame everything from their parents to the government
for failure, successful people are those who don't buy into this
mentality or succumb to the "victim" thinking succeed. To blame
something or somebody outside yourself is saying they have
control of your life and not you. Someone else's opinion of
you doesn't have to become your reality.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

By:  Wendy & Jerome


*My Success Mantra*

I am responsible for the results in my life.
I choose to live above the line.
I learn from all experiences that come my way.
I constantly get out of my comfort zone and take action towards
my dreams.
I operate with utmost integrity and add value to others.
I possess the winning attitude at all times.
I am a source of inspiration for people around me.

I am grateful because...
my life is filled with opportunities, love and abundance.


What was your experience after saying your mantra out loud?
Have you noticed anything interesting that's happened in your
life since? Do share with us. We'd love to know your feedback.

The Wealthy Are Generous.

Many people think that the reason rich people have so much money
is because they are selfish and like to keep all their money to
themselves. While this may be true in some cases, there are
actually many more individuals who are wealthy because they know
how to give. Excellent examples of extremely wealthy individuals
who generously contribute their money towards worthy causes are
Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, etc.

While highly successful people do state hard work, perseverance
and other well-known traits as reasons for their success, they
also know that the reason why they are able to achieve and
accumulate such an abundance of wealth and happiness in their
lives is because they are aware of a simple principle in life -
You receive what you give.

You receive what you give is such a simple and basic principal
taught in the early years of our life that

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

By:  Wendy & Jerome


* The questions you ask yourself NOW will affect your results
in the future.


Did you take a few minutes to examine the questions and thoughts
in your mind? How differently did you feel as you changed the
questions you choose to ask yourself? Sharing is having more,
so share with us the insights you've gained from
this simple exercise to deepen your learning.

When we first went through the exercise, it surprised us to know
that we had thoughts like 'Life is a struggle' and 'I'm not good
enough' in our head. But being aware of those disempowering
thoughts gave us the opportunity to re-think those thoughts and
choose new ideas, thoughts and questions, which we firmly believe
have contributed greatly to our success and abundance.

As a gift, we'd like to share with you a mantra we use ourselves
so that you too can use it to bring positive change into your life.

*My Success Mantra*

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

By:  Wendy & Jerome

My friend, what do you say to yourself each time you see
that beautiful dream car? A person who chooses to remain poor
would say: "I can't afford to buy that car." The person
who chooses to find ways to create wealth would say: "What can
I do to own that car?" Unless you ask yourself the questions
that will lead you to find ways and means to make money, so that
you can afford to buy whatever you desire, your thinking process
on how to make money automatically shuts down and your dreams
will always be just out of reach.

The poor are constantly looking for better ways to spend their
money. They will invest their time looking for ways to save
money instead of using their time to look for places to invest
their money, where they can get the best returns on their
investment. Instead of always asking themselves: "How do I
save money?" the rich ask themselves: "How can I create more

Another important question the rich always ask is: "How do I
leverage?" A successful entrepreneur will look for ways to do
more with less in their business. The rich know that it is
impossible for them to be an expert at everything, so they allow
themselves to leverage on other people's resources, ideas,
contacts and expertise to reach their business and investment

Monday, January 11, 2010

Ditulis oleh: Anne Ahira

Saat saya menulis artikel ini, saya sedang
berada di Amerika. Saya menerima sebuah
sms dari seorang kawan di Indonesia yang

"Ahira, saya ingin sekali pergi ke Amerika,
karena di sana pastilah saya bisa berhasil!"

SMS dari teman saya membuat saya berpikir,
kayaknya pikiran dia bisa jadi sama dengan
pikiran banyak teman-teman saya yang lain,
mereka yang selalu memikirkan kalau
'tempat lain' pasti lebih cocok untuknya bisa
menggapai sebuah kesuksesan!

Oleh sebab itu saya menulis sebuah artikel
dengan judul:

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ditulis oleh: Anne Ahira

"The difference between a successful
person and others is in a lack of will"
     ~ Vince Lombardi, Football Coach

Kebanyakan manusia cukup puas
hanya dengan... 

Lahir - Hidup - dan lalu meninggal.

Hingga akhirnya yang tertinggal hanya
tiga baris di batu nisannya :

Si X, lahir tanggal sekian, dan meninggal
tanggal sekian!

Inginkah anda menjalani hidup apa
adanya seperti itu?

Seperti apa anda mengukir sejarah?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

May you have fabulous year ahead.
I'm still in Christmas mood, so I'm gonna post something religious. Enjoy!

An Atheist Professor of Philosophy was speaking to his Class on the Problem Science has
With GOD, the ALMIGHTY.  He asked one of his New Christian Students to stand and . . .
Professor :   You are a Christian, aren't you, son ?
Student    :   Yes, sir.
Professor :    So, you Believe in GOD ?
Student    :   Absolutely, sir.
Professor :    Is GOD Good ?
Student    :    Sure.
Professor :    Is GOD ALL - POWERFUL ?
Student    :    Yes.
Professor :    My Brother died of Cancer even though he Prayed to  GOD to Heal him.
                    Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill.
                    But GOD didn't. How is this GOD good then? Hmm?

(Student was silent )
