Thursday, January 14, 2010

By:  Wendy & Jerome


*My Success Mantra*

I am responsible for the results in my life.
I choose to live above the line.
I learn from all experiences that come my way.
I constantly get out of my comfort zone and take action towards
my dreams.
I operate with utmost integrity and add value to others.
I possess the winning attitude at all times.
I am a source of inspiration for people around me.

I am grateful because...
my life is filled with opportunities, love and abundance.


What was your experience after saying your mantra out loud?
Have you noticed anything interesting that's happened in your
life since? Do share with us. We'd love to know your feedback.

The Wealthy Are Generous.

Many people think that the reason rich people have so much money
is because they are selfish and like to keep all their money to
themselves. While this may be true in some cases, there are
actually many more individuals who are wealthy because they know
how to give. Excellent examples of extremely wealthy individuals
who generously contribute their money towards worthy causes are
Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, etc.

While highly successful people do state hard work, perseverance
and other well-known traits as reasons for their success, they
also know that the reason why they are able to achieve and
accumulate such an abundance of wealth and happiness in their
lives is because they are aware of a simple principle in life -
You receive what you give.

You receive what you give is such a simple and basic principal
taught in the early years of our life that
and yet most people
overlook it and pass it off as trivial and unimportant in their
lives as they get caught up in their pursuit for money.

Recall the times when you gave someone a genuine smile which in
turn gave them good reason to give a smile back to you. How
about the time when you criticized and humiliated someone? That
incident most probably provided them with the fuel and reasons
to pull you down and make you feel bad too.

Just as the principle works for non-material resources like
time, effort, talent, service, or even an affectionate feeling,
it works the same way for money as well. When you give away
money to causes that you believe in, you allow yourself and the
universe further reasons to channel more money back to you. The
authentic action of giving away money away to causes that bring
you closer to joy is a signal to the universe that you are
acting from a state of abundance, that you do believe that you
have more than enough for yourself, so much so that you are able
to give of yourself.

Some people think that they'll give next time when they have
more. But even when we had less wealth, we shared what time,
expertise and money that we could and truly have received more
than we dreamed possible.

The act of giving from your heart without expecting anything in
return can summon the spirit of joy to come into your heart.
When that happens, you release a powerful force that will
trigger your good deed to "bounce" back to you in amazing, and
sometimes unusual ways.

Summon a wealth of joy and abundance into your life today by
practicing a simple act of giving.

You can create your life exactly the way you want it.
T'ake A'ction N'ow!

P/S. Keep saying your mantra or affirmations out loud at least
once each day and see what new and exciting changes occur.

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