Wednesday, December 9, 2009

By: Wendy & Jerome

Have you ever desired to be a millionaire?

If your answer is yes, ask yourself this next question:
=> Would You Pay Yourself A Million Dollars For What You're
Doing Now?

If you wouldn't, then likely, becoming a millionaire will
always be a dream.

And this is the question that really woke us up as well. We
asked ourselves: "What must I learn?" and "What must I BECOME
in order for me to generate my million?"

We can tell you that whatever we're doing now, is to secure our
financial future for the rest of our lives. So it's important
that you start to plan.

It's surprising, but up to 85% of Singaporeans live paycheck
to paycheck. Meaning, this month's salary is used to pay for
last month's bills. There are some people who are fortunate to
have enough money to re-invest, but the majority of people
don't plan for their future till it's way too late.

The reason we want to share this is because we want you to
start thinking about creating your life.

Because, the fact is that if you are not the one
creating your life, someone else is creating it for you.

Before it gets too late, start to do something.

1) Decide where you want to go , what you want to do or who you
   want to be.

2) Assess where you are right now.

3) Discover what you need to do in order to get from here to

Don't just let other people tell you what to do with your
life. Create your destiny for Yourself.

You can definitely have better control over your life.

You can create your life exactly the way you want it.

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